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A healthy work-life balance is essential for both physical and mental well-being. Learning how to separate the two can help increase focus while staying in the present. Since the increase in remote jobs, many employees find it difficult to navigate their new work space.


5 Tips To Manage A Healthy Work-Life Balance

A poor work-life balance is not always recognized. Those who experience an increase in work responsibilities, childcare issues and household maintenance may feel especially worn out at the end of the day. Even if long hours are required, there are simple tips to improve the quality of life.


1.) Focus on health. Health care does not necessarily include expensive treatments. Daily health improvements can be made with minimal effort and money. Adding certain fruits like blueberries to a meal can boost attention and energy. Eating enough protein is another way to ensure long-lasting energy throughout the day.


2.) Unplug everyday. Finding a designated time to disconnect from devices is one way to feel completely relaxed. Without a smartphone or laptop available, there is no possibility for work interruptions. Even unplugging for one hour per-day can help reduce anxiety.


3.) Take frequent vacations. A vacation does not have to cost hundreds of dollars, nor doe it need to last one or two weeks. Weekend vacations are an excellent way to recharge with family or friends. A change of environment can include camping, renting a cabin or staying at a hotel.


4.) Eat together. It is often tempting to eat in front of the TV or computer, especially if someone is overworked. Zoning out can be a very effective way to create a positive distraction from work. However, sit-down meals provided at the table can foster conversation and meaningful communication on a regular basis. Cooking dinner is usually a healthier option than fast food or frozen suppers.


5.) Set a schedule. A concrete schedule can help organize time and priorities. By carving out specific time for meditation, TV or cooking, there is an increased chance of following through. Once an item on the list is finished, physically checking it off can wire the brain’s reward system in a healthy way.


Setting Boundaries Is Key

Clear boundaries are necessary for creating a work-life balance. Vague statements like “create more time for family” is usually not enough. When creating lifestyle goals, specific rules that include time and activity are critical.


All new schedules take time to get used to. Sticking in between specific boundaries on a daily basis is more likely to ingrain this type of healthy lifestyle. When space is divided between work and home life, it is easier to feel fulfilled.